Arm lift

With an innovative arm lift surgery procedure from La Clinique Privée, you can claim the sculpted arms you desire. As we age, our skin begins to lose its elasticity and firmness due to a constant decrease in collagen, and fluctuations in weight can exacerbate these issues. Fortunately, there is now an effective arm lift and skin removal procedure available for successfully tightening and toning arms to restore that coveted smooth and contoured look you desire.


Arms are a common problem area for many people as a source of problem fat cells and droopy skin. These areas lack firmness and in many cases, the arms are often resistant to many diet and exercise regimens. Arm lifts and arm skin removal are advanced treatment options designed to accurately sculpt and tighten the underlying tissue as well as reduce excess sagging skin that may droop downward. By reducing localized pockets of fat cells within the arm tissue, patients are able to enjoy a slim and sleek appearance following a successful procedure.


Following a consultation to determine your personal goals and current condition, our surgeons will plan a personalized arm lift surgery to address your needs. Based on the amount of excess fat, liposuction may be necessary to eliminate stubborn fat cells from the region. Results can be seen immediately following treatment and will continue to progress as the swelling continues to decrease.


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