Double Chin Removal/Neck Liposuction

If you are considering double chin removal surgery, scheduling a consultation is a great way to determine what options are available to help you achieve the results you desire.


Whether you are looking to remove stubborn fat or just want a slimmer neckline, La Clinique Privée’s integrated approach to double chin removal surgery creates beautiful, natural results.

At La Clinique Privée, we always schedule a personal consultation with one of our surgeons before recommending a specific surgical or non-surgical procedure. If you’re interested in double chin removal surgery, reach out to our team today to get more information about starting your journey to feeling and looking your best.


Anyone who is unhappy with the extra volume around their chin or jawline is a great candidate for discussing double chin removal surgery.

Procedure time and recovery vary from person to person. During your consultation, we outline what you can expect during your procedure as well as the steps for optimal recovery.


Take the First Step Toward Achieving Your Aesthetic Goals

To get started, simply complete the form below, and one of our patient care coordinators will contact you within 24 hours to schedule your consultation.

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