

Gynecomastia is a condition in which the glandular breast tissues in a male become enlarged in a way that is similar to the female breast. The condition is known to be a result of hormonal imbalances and may occur either in infancy or adolescence. Gynecomastia often resolves on its own within six months to two years of onset. However, there are some cases in which the condition persists. Males who are uncomfortable with the long-term size of their chest may benefit from a gynecomastia reduction. A plastic surgeon can perform gynecomastia liposuction to help reduce breast tissue and achieve a physique more consistent with the average shape of a male body. If you suffer from gynecomastia, schedule a consultation with one of our plastic surgeons to see which procedure will work best for you.


Gynecomastia is caused by an imbalanced ratio in the levels of estrogens to androgens in a male’s body. However, the cause of hormonal imbalance can be attributed to many different factors. Illicit substances like steroids and amphetamines may also be culprits.

It can be difficult for a man to know whether he has gynecomastia without a doctor’s diagnosis. Men with this condition tend to have firmness in the breast tissue — specifically in the area directly under the nipple. The condition can occur on one side or both, and it may or may not cause tenderness. It is important to schedule an appointment with your physician for gynecomastia treatment if you are concerned about the size of your chest or if you notice any changes in breast tissue


Only your gynecomastia doctor can determine if you need gynecomastia liposuction or another treatment for this condition. Treatment may be conservative, using medications designed to balance the body’s hormones and suppress estrogen production. It can also include surgery to reshape the chest. During gynecomastia surgery, excess breast tissue is removed through a small incision.

It is important to note that surgical reduction of gynecomastia is not necessarily a permanent solution. Although it may provide immediate and significant results, patients must maintain the outcome of surgery by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Severe weight gain can cause gynecomastia to return, as can other factors like consuming substances that alter testosterone levels.

Gynecomastia by itself is not a dangerous condition, but it can indicate the presence of an underlying health problem, such as hyperthyroidism. Males who have experienced any breast pain, changes in breast size, or discharge coming from the breast should see their family doctor and discuss these symptoms.

Schedule a consultation to determine what gynecomastia treatment is best for you.


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