Neck Lift

Are you unhappy with the appearance of sagging skin around your neck and chin region? Are you unsatisfied by the appearance of stubborn fat and sagging skin that makes you appear older under your chin? As we age, our skin begins to lose elasticity as well as the hydrating properties that help our skin appear firm and younger.

If you are looking for a solution to contour and sculpt the appearance of your neck for a younger look, there is now a procedure that can benefit you. With neck lift plastic surgery, you can achieve a structured and more youthful jawline.


A neck lift surgery, or rhytidectomy, is a procedure designed to improve the sculpted appearance of the chin and neck region and diminish aging signs. A neck lift is a remedy that can treat the appearance of excess fat and skin in the lower face region and restore your youthful look.

Excess fatty deposits under the skin can result in sagging and loose skin that is not receptive to diet and exercise. Luckily, a professional neck lift surgery is designed to target and correct this. With this revolutionary treatment, you can now improve the appearance of your facial structure for a younger-looking you.


If you are looking to improve sagging or lax skin in your lower face or neck area, you could benefit from neck lift plastic surgery. If you wish to restore your youthful facial structure, you could qualify as a candidate.

However, the best way to determine if you are a proper candidate is through a consultation with one of our highly trained and caring professionals. Reach out to us here at La Clinique Privée to learn more about neck lift surgery. Contact us today and schedule your consultation!


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