Breast Reduction


A breast reduction procedure, or reduction mammaplasty, is a specialized procedure designed to remove excess breast fat, tissue, and skin to achieve a smaller and more proportional breast size. It is an effective solution for alleviating the pain and discomfort that many women suffer from enlarged breasts. Breast reduction can not only improve the size and shape of breasts, but it can also improve overall well-being and boost self-confidence.

A breast reduction is not only an option for addressing a medical or comfort issue, but it can also be a successful remedy for those who are unhappy with their breast size. You can now achieve the breast size and shape that you desire. Start your journey here.


During the procedure, the targeted excess glandular tissue, fat, and skin is then removed. The size and shape are tailored to your goals and preferred shape and size. Our plastic surgeons use the appropriate scar depending on the size of the breasts and the need for skin resection. The incisions are then closed using a specialized method, bringing together the tissue while reshaping the now smaller breast. This technique will help achieve a smaller and natural-looking breast with less scarring.

Following a breast reduction procedure, the results can be immediately noticeable and continue to progress as the swelling goes down. Satisfaction should grow as your incisions fade and swelling continues to subside. This revolutionary procedure can provide you with smaller, more symmetrical breasts for reclaimed comfort and improved overall well-being. Get in touch with us today to get started.


Anyone experiencing physical discomfort due to enlarged breasts could benefit from a breast reduction for back pain. If you are unhappy with your current breast size, you could also qualify as a candidate.

If you are looking to reduce the size of your breasts, reach out to us at La Clinique Privée to learn more about the innovative breast reduction procedure. 

Contact us today and schedule your consultation!


Enlarged breasts are a common concern that affects many women. A breast reduction procedure can help eliminate back pain, physical discomfort, and make everyday tasks, such as choosing an outfit easier. Heredity, weight gain, and childbearing are all factors that can contribute to enlarged breast tissue. If you are experiencing physical pain or emotional discomfort due to your breast size, there is a personalized solution that can benefit you. Consider a breast reduction for back pain at La Clinique Privée. With the help of our plastic surgeons, you can reclaim comfort and overall well-being with this life-improving procedure.


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